Monday, September 12, 2011

After the resit and tanglung festival

I may not good in my result compared to others ..I was used to be so want to had success in my life and forgot about the help of God in my life in the past .... I used to do thing with myown strength and ability.... I also used to be so childish purposely or not purposely.. The joy in my heart had been lost and dun know how to go back to fountain of joy.... UNTIL one day , I had failed in my final exam wat a suffer I had ... I keep said to God why this and why that .. totally din realise wat I had done wrong in the past ..... For the preparation for my resit, again I go back to God's side. On that time, I suddenly realised that my heart had unexplainable peace and joy in my heart. I really understand this time that I had done so many mistake towards God who am I to Him but He poured His love towards me like never ending .... On the day the result release, I was so happy not because I had passed the exam..It was the thing I had learned to rely on Him more and more .... I start listening to God's voice and eye of my heart had been opened again... This time I really dun know wat to say ... it is speechless for me... My cell group leader had told me that when we start honour God , God will honour us back... We are like person who lost way and dun know how good we are in the presence of God... We used to take God's grace for granted ... We usually think God must give me this and give me that ....Will we faithful to God again when all blessing and grace taken away..Just like Job when all his belonging , blessing was taken away by God ..In the book of Job..... This wat I had learn from this test.. I had nothing but the glory and the praise I had let all those glory and praise give to our Lord Jesus Christ

I actually in shock when I arrived at the KLIA and knew my grandfather had passed away three months ago... I was start crying and blaming myself actually... If I pass my final then I can come back and see him for the last time... At that time I really collapse... I think I am useless who am I the eldest grandson also cannot do anything for me... however I think why should I sad ... I should rejoice cause my grandfather had leave the world and went to heaven where the place full of peace , joy and free of any disease. This time the mid autumn festival was unique for me.... I flashed back how my grandfather bought me the tanglung and mooncake when I was child .... Help me to buy my favourate tanglung the doraemon and ultraman one ..... The story that my grandfather told me...... Now I only realise that said by the chinese 当你要孝敬一位长辈已不在.... My heart was pin by needle.... However I will grow stronger and better person that wat my grandfather want... not matter how hard the way in my future, I believe I can go through with God...........

Friday, July 29, 2011


Saturday, July 23, 2011

The leaving

Now every one left one by one every day send people away... that no choice the decision I had made to take my exam here.. who ask me how foolish I am near the exam still want to plan people birthday.... that the foolishness I am ... at the final cannot pass when people use time to study I used the time to do cake... How suffer from wat I had done stupid ma ... no choice lo..... How in the situation of do or die again every time I also need to be in it .... HIAZE

Friday, July 22, 2011

The leaving

I dun very time I sent people away I had the pain in my heart ... I thought I used to it but today as I sent nicole and wan yuan away until airport .... My heart fail the sadness and pain like very strong.. as they went by stuff with kelvin ... I read the notes I made but my heart become very sad and i almost drop my tears fro the 1st time ba.... Nothing I can do just sent the best wishes for them

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I try to be my best in preparing the resit of my exam... I know that I had let my parents disappoint in the final... I try my best to do it... however every time I had conversation with them always talk about the CPP.. I had bored of it... I try to prepare it adi....
I really so tired in doing the preparation... I really stress up adi... I WAS VERY TIRED .... DUN KNOW HOW TO DO ADI....

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Some thing I gain when....

I had failed my one of my subject in the final exam... on that time I was very sad , angry and emo.... It like I had lost all the world I dun know what to do and how to do it.... there is the fear in my heart that continue until I go to trip.....

I knew a person who is a good christian.... lots of talking done by that person was very good and that person was the 1st who have the courage to correct the weakness I had all this time ..... He/ she was the good christian and good friend too...

In one of the conversation between me and the person, I really realize the mistake and weakness I had done... the 1st love that I had towards God and Jesus was been found back... the passion I had for Christ was found back too

In this whole year, most of the time I plan to do thing with my own strength.... I was very proud of myself try to do most stuff with me... I talked to God and get response that I will never fail if I rely on His strength ... who am I that He die for me .... I had been in so many difficulties where I cannot see the way out but Jesus had lead me the way and helped so much....

In bible words had said a person who follow Jesus's way never easy cause our own flesh and devil give us temptation .... however all of the temptation was given to see how strong our faith towards God..... In my weakness I like to say I am strong because I am strong due the strength of the Lord had given me .... In this moment ...I finally realize the strength I had from Jesus who is my comforter and my strength when I am weak and I am in sad.... Thanks Jesus wat a true and lovely I had found ....

Monday, June 6, 2011

The fail in exam

What can I do after knowing that I had failed my final... The stupid person I am.. VERY STUPID...Not matter how hard I had tried or how many effort I had put into but wat I got for my result nothing is NOTHING JUST A FAIL AND FAIL.. RESIT AND RESIT ...I dun have face to go back to face my parent.... they had waste lots of their money for me sent me studied in U.K.. wat result I had get ... Is a fail... Seriously speaking... I dun even want to enjoy the trip that I had one now.... wat for I need to enjoy ... in my mind now was CPP...CPP...CPP....CPP....CPP